Montag, 29. April 2013

Strategic Theory

Colin S. Gray (2013). Perspectives on Strategy (Oxford University Press: Oxford), S. 13:

"Strategic theory is the fundamental source of military doctrine, while doctrine is a notable enabler of, and guide for, strategies."

"All military behaviour is tactical in execution, but must have operational and strategic effect, intented and otherwise."

Freitag, 26. April 2013

The Strategy Bridge

Colin S. Gray (2010), S. 238f:

Strategy is a familiar word, and is widely believed to be important, but it is barely comprehended. Indeed, even today it is little understood that the concept commonly is wrongly identified and the word, especially the adjective, is misapplied.
Strategy functions as the only purpose built bridge connecting political ends with the methods and means for their attempted achievement (...).
Those holding the strategy bridge are charged, in effect, with the planning and higher orchestration of the policy instruments that in threat and action should impress themselves upon the bodies and minds of those who ought to be concerned by such behaviour. The strategist needs to be able to influence enemies, allies, and neutrals, which means minds and actions, foreign and domestic. To bend an enemy's will to resist, and if required to reduce his military means in their capacity to do harm, the strategist needs to seek control over the course of events.

Montag, 8. April 2013


Vego, Milan N. (2009). Joint Operational Warfare: Theory and Practice (Newport: U.S. Naval War College), S. III-20:

At the national strategic level one of the key issues to be resolved successfully is the sound appreciation of the character and duration of the future war. This is one of the main tasks of the military leadership in peacetime. Yet experience shows that in many cases, before the beginning of hostilities, one or both sides falsely envisioned the character or duration, or both, of the future war. This invariably had a significant negative effect on one's ability to both prepare and conduct the war successfully. Among other things, the false reading of the character of the war and the errors in peacetime in anticipating its duration have often had serious consequences on force planning, the development of service and joint doctrine, and the eventual outcome of the war itself.¨

Mittwoch, 3. April 2013

On civil-military leadership

Vego, Milan N. (2009), Joint Operational Warfare: Theory and Practice (New Port: Naval War College), S. I-43:

¨Ideally, the relationship between the top political leadership and the military should be based on mutual trust and respect. The military leaders must point out to the politicians what the advantages and disadvantages of a certain course of action are, based on their professional military judgment. Yet soldierly obedience should have some limits. If the warnings and advice are not heeded, then the military leaders should take the only honorable course left: resignation.¨